Wow!!!! Isn't that scary??? You always know your children take on your traits, but somtimes, it's just plain scary. :)
This past weekend, Alyssa and I got our hair cut. She loves her new do and she is absolutely adorable, even if I do say so myself. She was so looking forward to going to summer camp on Monday to show her friends her hair. So, we got moving and made sure we had plenty of time to flat iron her hair to straighten the natural curls, and in her terms, "make it not so bumpy!"
Unfortunately, there were some children at camp that decided to tell Alyssa they didn't like her hair and made fun of her. She was so sad when I picked her up that I wanted to cry. She said, "that's why I wanted to wear a hat, mom, so no one can make fun of me." HEARTBREAKING!
She is ONLY 6 and is already experiencing the rejection that comes along with other children who are not taught, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." We were graciously given another chance to step in for God and help His little Princess feel as beautiful He thinks she is.
So we had the typical responses for her:
- "If they were really your friends, then they wouldn't make fun of you."
- "Do you like you hair?" "Does mommy and daddy like your hair?" "Didn't everyone at church like your hair?" Yes...yes...yes......"Well, then that is all that matters."
- "If the kids keep on saying it, then tell them to just stop looking at you."
- "Sometimes, hunny, people say mean things when they are jealous." (Of course, we had to explain the term, "jealous.")
Her Tuesday went much better and we are past that moment. But it was just a small reminder, of the hurts that are still yet to come.
Lord Jesus, please help us to seek out your ways of preparing our daughter for the difficult and trying times ahead. Father, provide us with the tools that we will need to guide her and the tools that she will need to stay strong through the trials. AMEN
(Please share your thoughts on the subject; I would love to hear from you.)
"It's the pain of jealous people-sometimes our closest friends and co-workers- that hold us back from seaking our dreams and really being who we are called to be in Christ."