Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What's More Powerful......

At the beginning of church services tonight, as our middle school and high school youth flooded the stage with hands held high, praising Jesus and jumping and dancing in worship to our Lord, I thought to myself, "What could be more powerful than to see our youth praising and worshiping Jesus?"

Every week for the past few weeks, God has been reminding me of the awesome things He has in store for the youth in our church, and around the world. I am so humbly honored to be trusted with mentoring to these young people.

Last week, I stood aside in amazement as our middle school pastor opened the alter for the middle school youth to come and meet with God. I wondered to myself, "how many of these children will actually get up and go?" God AMAZED my heart that night. I could hardly move to go pray over the youth because I was so struck by the many that actually came forward. I don't know how many were up there, but there was too many to count and that was awesome!!!

Not only does God have some awesome things in store for the youth that attend our services, but HE has even Greater things planned for His leaders. It's only the beginning and the Spirit is about to overflow!

So, back to my question, "what could be more powerful than seeing youth praising God?" At the end of service tonight, Pastor Corey asked that all of the youth, middle school and high school, to come forward. Then, he asked that anyone who was a parent of one of the children to come forward and find your kid in the group, if not, surround the kids with parents. Then, with the rest of the congregation standing, raising their hands in agreement, parents prayed for their children. How wonderful and powerful to actually get to see parents praying over children, believing for their future and starting their school year off with a mission, to make a difference. I wish that I could have taken a picture of those moments of prayer (as I peeked out the corner of my eye). Youth with their hands raised to the heavens, parents raising their hands to pray over their children, and a large congregation raising their hands in prayer and agreement.

No picture or words would have done that moment justice. (Just tears, as I admit I wiped a few away.)

Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful day and message tonight. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your mission and allowing me the honor to serve your children. There is power in agreement and when you are among your people. You were there tonight, Father, your Spirit was loud and clear and on the hearts of so many. In Jesus name, I praise thee, Amen.

****The special message for today, "Inconvenience IS Opportunity!" What a new concept for each of us. (Thanks Racheal for re-emphasizing this to me. I almost missed it, but God must have used you again to speak to my heart.) xoxoxoxo

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